Which Schools Feed Geisel School of Medicine

Learn the Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine acceptance rate, admissions requirements, and strategies, plus sample responses to Dartmouth secondary application essay prompts


Part 1: Introduction

If you're a premed looking for a medical school that will support both your research and clinical aspirations, the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth, located in Hanover, New Hampshire, may be the perfect fit for you. Geisel is a major research powerhouse and the fourth-oldest medical school in the United States. Moreover, Dartmouth Medical School has produced several firsts in the country—examples include the first clinical X-ray in America and the first stethoscope for medical education.

The admissions standards for Dartmouth Medical School are tough: just 92 students matriculate per year, and the majority of applicants will have GPA and MCAT scores that dovetail with the Geisel average metrics. However, if you are able to hone in on why Geisel is the best fit for you as an aspiring physician and what you yourself will contribute to the diverse student body, you may find yourself as one of the lucky few receiving a Geisel acceptance letter.

In this guide, we'll cover the various MD programs offered by the Geisel School of Medicine, admissions requirements, strategies for writing outstanding Dartmouth secondary essays, and guidance for your interview day.

Part 2: Dartmouth Geisel School of Medicine MD programs

Dartmouth has a variety of programs through which students can achieve an MD degree:

  • The traditional, four-year MD program

  • The MD-PhD program for those interested in training to become physician-scientists

  • The MD-MBA program for those interested in training to become leaders in healthcare, entrepreneurs, or administrators through a partnership with Dartmouth's Tuck School of Business; the program admits up to 6 students per year who apply during their second year of medical school and is completed in either five or six years

  • The MD-MPH for those interested in making an impact in the public health realm through a partnership with The Dartmouth Institute of Health Policy and Clinical Practice; the program admits students after they have matriculated to the medical school

  • The MD-MS with a health policy focus in partnership with The Dartmouth Institute of Health Policy and Clinical Practice; the program admits students after they have matriculated to the medical school

  • The MD-MS with an engineering focus in partnership with Dartmouth's Thayer School of Engineering

Dartmouth Medical School tuition and scholarships

For the 2022–2023 academic year, the tuition at Geisel is $67,532. Including room, board, and other expenses, the estimated first-year cost of attendance is $92,021.

Although these costs appear high, Geisel offers need-based financial aid in the form of both loans and scholarships for those students who need it. Over 85 percent of medical students at Geisel typically receive some form of financial assistance, and around 60 percent receive scholarship aid.

Part 3: How hard is it to get into Dartmouth Medical School?

Dartmouth Medical School admissions statistics

With an acceptance rate of 2.4%, gaining admissions to Dartmouth Medical School is no easy feat. In a typical year, Geisel receives 7,000 to 8,000 applications, interviews around 700 to 800 applicants, and matriculates 92 first-year students.

Dartmouth Medical School sets the bar high when evaluating prospective students' GPA and MCAT scores. Statistics for Geisel's most recent class include:

  • Median GPA: 3.74

  • Median MCAT score: 514

Note that you must earn an MCAT score of 503 or higher in order to receive a secondary application from Dartmouth. For the 2022–2023 application cycle, you must have taken the MCAT between January 2020 and September 2022.

Dartmouth Medical School admissions requirements

Here are the specific academic requirements you'll need to fulfill in order to apply to Geisel:

  • Biology: One year (8 semester hours or equivalent)

  • Physics: One year (8 semester hours or equivalent)

  • Chemistry: Two years (16 semester hours or equivalent) including one semester (or equivalent) of organic chemistry and one semester (or equivalent) of biochemistry.

  • Math: One half-year (3 semester hours or equivalent), including either calculus or statistics.

Although these requirements are crucial, it is equally important for applicants to focus on the school's mission statement. Per the admissions website, the admissions committee seeks individuals who reflect and contribute to the institutional mission, which includes Geisel's five guiding principles: "Create Leaders and Leadership; Students and Faculty First; Revitalize Education and Research; Reach Out and Connect Diverse People & Ideas; We Win Together as a Team."

The best place to highlight your alignment with the school's mission and your unique qualities is in your secondary application. To differentiate yourself from other applicants with equally strong test scores and academic achievements, focus on strengthening the qualitative aspects of your application: the essays. We have this portion of the application detailed further below so you can knock it out of the park.

Dartmouth Medical School application timeline

Below is an admissions timeline that you can use to apply to Geisel School of Medicine:

  • May 3, 2022: AMCAS application opens

  • May 31, 2022: AMCAS application can be submitted

  • September 2022–March 2023: Interviews held

  • November 1, 2022: AMCAS application deadline

  • December 1, 2022: Secondary application deadline

Although you can submit your AMCAS application until November 1st, the earlier you submit, the better.

(Suggested reading: The Ideal Medical School Application Timeline)

Part 4: Dartmouth Medical School secondary application essays (examples included)

The goal of your secondary application is to convince the admissions committee that your interests and aspirations dovetail with the school's offerings and mission statement. The essays provide a valuable opportunity to stand out among the many competitive applicants, allowing you to seal the deal and receive an interview invitation.

The Dartmouth secondary application consists of three essays. For each essay prompt, we've provided sample responses based on composites of successful students to show you how it's done.

Question 1: Please indicate your plans for the upcoming academic year. If in school, please list your courses. If working, let us know something about the nature of your job. If your plans or courses change subsequently, you need to inform the Admissions Office by email at Geisel.Admissions@dartmouth.edu. (No word limit)

The prompt is straightforward and requests that you provide information on either your senior year of undergraduate studies or your experiences during the time between your undergraduate and graduate studies. More than likely, you will be allotted 250 words to complete your statement and therefore, you should keep your answer succinct.

If you are approaching your senior year, try to hit these points:

  • What coursework are you taking that is relevant to medicine?

  • What are new activities that you are pursuing that may not be discussed in your AMCAS Work and Activities section and how many hours per week do you anticipate contributing to these new experiences?

  • What do you hope to gain from your last year of undergraduate education?

If you are taking a gap year, use this an opportunity to directly address your values and priorities during this period in your life by answering the following questions:

  • What are the experiences that you are pursuing in your "gap" time and what proportion of your time are you dedicating to each of them?

  • Why are you pursuing these opportunities? By choice, or out of obligation?

  • What did you gain from taking this time that makes you have a strengthened sense of conviction towards the field of medicine or makes you stand out amongst your peers?


I will spend nine months working as an English teacher in Indonesia as a recipient of a Fulbright scholarship. I will be living on a small beach island off the coast of Java as one of only two expatriates living in this province. Through this opportunity, I will work alongside Indonesian teachers to learn about the public school system, I will teach students the English language and critical reasoning while learning Bahasa Indonesian in return, and I will engage with my community in cross-cultural exchange. This experience will allow me to immerse myself in a new environment that empowers me to gain new skills while connecting with individuals from different backgrounds and forming a community across the world. My Fulbright experience will begin in August 2021 and will complete in May 2022. In May 2022, I plan to travel through the Southeast Asia region and to return prior to medical school matriculation.

Why does it work?

  • The applicant shares a unique experience that will likely allow them to stand out among the thousands of other applicants.

  • Additionally, the essay demonstrates passion, a curiosity to learn about others, a willingness to learn, and a commitment to service—all of these qualities are desired in a future physician.

Question 2: Please reflect on your primary application and share something not addressed elsewhere that would be helpful to the Admissions Committee as we review your file. (No word limit)

This is an opportunity to discuss one of the following:

  • A personal hobby or accomplishment that may help you stand out and is not reflected in your work and activities list

  • A personal connection to the Geisel School of Medicine that you want to highlight

  • What specifically compels you to attend the Geisel School of Medicine if provided the opportunity


The bright lights dimmed and the colorful music slowly faded out. We rushed backstage cheering, hugging, and skipping because we had just performed in front of thousands of viewers in Houston, Texas at a national Garba Raas competition. Throughout my entire life, I have had a passion for dance. My mother always tells new friends that I could salsa before I could walk. Thus, when I arrived at college, I was amazed to see over thirty extracurricular clubs all focused on different forms of dance at the orientation activity fair. I picked up Garba Raas, a traditional Gujarati folk-style dance that is high-energy and aims to tell a story throughout the performance. As a Garba Raas dancer, I picked up a new art form, a new way of expressing myself, a new method to decompress, and a new platform through which to connect with others. I learned how to set a rigorous schedule so that I could dance twelve hours a week, succeed in my coursework, and pursue other clinically-oriented extracurriculars. Most importantly, I formed lifelong friendships that will continue to serve as a strong support system throughout medical school.

Why does it work?

  • This applicant uses the space to highlight a hobby of hers, traditional Indian dance. It is a strong essay because it not only describes her art form in a meaningful, unique way but also explicitly states the key takeaways she derived from this experience that can be applied to other settings. These takeaways include time management, the ability to connect with others, and mechanisms to unwind. While the evidence of her passion for medicine and helping others would likely show up in her work and activities section, this specific hobby will allow her to shine in her secondary application.

Question 3: Please tell us specifically why you are interested in Geisel. (No word limit)

This prompt tasks you with explaining why you would like to attend Dartmouth. We've provided comprehensive advice on how to tackle "Why us?" essays elsewhere, but remember that the key to nailing this essay is to refrain from simply listing all of Geisel's great qualities and amazing features.

Instead, your goal is to show fit. Dartmouth wants to know why they will be the best match for your specific goals, interests, and experiences. Aim to discuss how you will benefit from attending medical school at Dartmouth and what you will contribute to their community.

Question 4: Geisel School of Medicine values social justice and diversity in all its forms. Reflect on a situation where you were the "other." (250 words)

This is a less traditional diversity prompt that asks the applicant to identify a time when they felt different from the rest. It is an opportunity to identify yourself as having some kind of unique quality, thus enabling you to add to the diversity of the next generation of Dartmouth students and future doctors. If you do identify with a traditionally underrepresented group, use this as a space to discuss a discrete experience during which you felt different and how you adapted to that environment.


I remember opening up pav bhaji, a favorite Indian comfort food, at lunch in my elementary school cafeteria. With furrowed eyebrows, my classmates hunkered over my fragrant smattering of spices with their grilled cheese and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in hand. I grew up in Nebraska and I was one of two Indian students in my fifty-person class for thirteen years. Often, my differences were in what I brought with me in my lunch box; however, other times, they centered around my weekend activities and home environment. Although I knew I was different from my peers, I loved my Indian background and my bilingual household. My pride in my culture empowered me to choreograph the Diwali showcase at my temple my senior year of high school; what I will cherish forever from this memory is that I included two of my best friends of different ethnicities in one of the main performances. I continued to explore my heritage once I arrived at my undergraduate university by joining and taking on roles in the campus-wide South Asian organization. My favorite aspect of this club was sharing Indian traditions, food, and dance through various celebrations that we hosted with my friends from other backgrounds.

Why does it work?

  • This essay highlights an experience when the applicant felt like the "other," but they use it as an opportunity to reflect on their upbringing and to serve as a foundation for cross-cultural exchange.

  • It shows rather than tells the reader where the applicant is from.

  • The essay focuses on why the applicant is proud of where they come from and how it has shaped them to be the person they are today.

Part 5: Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth interview

Interviews for Dartmouth occur on Thursdays between September and March. During the 2022–2023 application cycle, all interviews will be held virtually. The admissions committee typically extends invitations to about 11% of total applicants.

Dartmouth uses a traditional interview format, interviewing each applicant twice; one interview is often with a current medical student and the other interview is often with a medical school faculty member. The interviews typically last thirty minutes each. Because the interview process follows a traditional approach, you should have well-thought-out answers to "Why Dartmouth?", "What is your most significant experiences that highlight your conviction towards medicine?," and "What makes you stand out from other applicants?"

During your interview day, you will also participate in an information session with the admissions and financial aid team, a 20-minute group exercise, and remarks from the Associate Dean of Admissions. You will also have opportunities to connect with current students on a separate day, which will help you determine if Dartmouth is the best fit for you.

(Suggested reading: How to Ace Your Medical School Interviews)

Final thoughts

The Geisel School of Medicine continues to have a rigorous evaluation process and attracts students who are high achievers both inside and outside of the classroom. It is extremely important to dedicate ample time to your secondary application to ensure that you convey why you would be the best choice for Dartmouth.



Source: https://www.shemmassianconsulting.com/blog/dartmouth-medical-school

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